Helping you make your dreams obtainable.

Designing for the “do-it-yourselfer,” We can provide you with the specific information and plans needed to add edible plants to your landscape at your own pace and on your budget. Does that fruit require a pollinator? How many chill hours? Can I grow a pomegranate here? There can be a steep learning curve when it comes to adding edibles to your property. Let me help you utilize your property (no matter how large or small) to the fullest extent possible and provide your family with a bountiful harvest for years to come.

What can we design for you?

  • Gardens

    Providing you with the plans needed to plant your perfect garden. Perennials, annuals, heirlooms, the best varieties for the region, and what your soil needs to make it all happen. Let me know exactly what you want, and we can provide you with the blueprints to make it a reality.

  • Home Orchards

    Who doesn’t dream of fresh fruit growing in their very own backyard? We are blessed to live in a region where, one way or another, we can produce all but the most tropical fruits. We can provide specific varieties for our region, reputable dealers where you can find them, and a design that puts it all together exactly how you want it.

  • Homestead Planning

    Taking the time to walk your property and design the layout before moving forward can ultimately pay massive dividends. Whether you dream of gardens, chickens, an irrigation system, livestock, or a rainwater collection system for your house, having someone with you who knows how to read the land and run your ideas by them can be beneficial.